Pogoji naročnine in rezervacije


Vključeni so tudi drugi izrazi. Naslednji dodatki pogoji, politike in pravila so tukaj namerno vključeni in zavezujoči del teh pogojev, kot so v celoti navedeni v teh dokumentih:

  • Pogoji poslovanja
  • Politika zasebnosti in piškotkov

Če niso navedeni v teh pogojih, imajo vsi izrazi z veliko začetnico pomen, ki je naveden v naših Pogojih poslovanja in Politiki zasebnosti.

A.    Pogoji prijave

Iuricorn vam omogoča dostop do predpisov, smernic, raziskovalnih člankov, mnenj, e-knjig, zvočnih knjig, člankov in druge vsebine, zbrane iz različnih javnih virov s pomočno t.i. Prijave, pod katero vam Iuricorn daje omejeno, neizključno, neprenosljivo, preklicano in osebno licenco za dostop in uporabo vse naročniške vsebine, ki je na voljo pod vašo Prijavo, za vaše osebne in informativne namene. Vaša prijava je ločena in se razlikuje od drugih storitev, razen če je to določeno v pogojih prijave.

Knjižnica. Gre za bazo podatkov, ki jo je ustvaril Iuricorn in je sestavljena iz avtorskih vsebin tretjih avtorjev. Ne knjižnica ne njene vsebine se ne smejo kopirati, razmnoževati ali uporabljati drugače kot iz informativnih, izobraževalnih in raziskovalnih razlogov.

Svojo prijavo lahko uporabljate od dneva prijave oziroma nakupa do dneva poteka naročnine, kot je določeno na spletnem mestu v naročilu in/ali računu. Izraz “naročnina”, “članstvo” in “naročnik” veljata za vsako plačano naročnino, ki imentikom računov omogoča dostop do vsebine naročnine.

Omejitve. Za vaš dostop do vsebin veljajo naslednje omejitve:


    1. Vsebina naročnine je na volj za vašo osebno nekomercialno uporabo samo preko spletnega mesta Iuricorn, Iuricorn Google Drive mape ali drugega vmesnika Iuricorn;
    2. Naročniške vsebine ne smete uporabljati v prodajne ali promocijske namene;
    3. Naročniške vsebine ne smete prodajati ali distribuirati;
    4. Naročniške vsebine ne smete prodajati, posojati ali kopirati;
    5. Ne smete onemogočiti ali se izogniti upravljanju digitalnih pravic, ki so priloženi naročnini;
    6. Ne smete presegati omejitev uporabe, ki jih določa Iuricorn ali drug ponudnik vsebin (sodelujoči založnik ali uporabnik), če le-te obstajajo;
    7. Ne smete delati kopij ali prenosov katerekoli vsebine, če ni izrecno določeno;
    8. Ne smete javno objavljati ali izvajati naročniške vsebine;
    9. Računov, ki omogočajo dostop do naročnine in vsebin, ne smete deliti, če je za določeno vsebino izrecno navedeno.

Poleg zgoraj navedenega je vaš dostop do vsebine prijagojen pravočasnemu plačilu naročnine; do naročniških vsebin ne boste imeli dostopa, če bo vaša naročnina preklicana oziroma neplačana. Iuricornu boste morali posredovati vaš e-mail naslov, ki vam bo omogočil dostop do knjižnice. Do knjižnice ne boste imeli dostopa z drugega e-maila.

Vaša naročnina vam omogoča, da v času naročnine neomejeno dostopate do vsebin Knjižnice. Majhnemu odstotku uporabnikov, ki porabijo nenavadno velik obseb naročniške vsebine, nekatere vsebine morda ne bodo na voljo takoj. Iuricorn si pridržuje pravico po svoji lastni presoji, da kadarkoli doda, spremeni, umakne ali odloži katero od naročniških vsebin iz vašega dostopa, iz katerega koli razloga, vključno z omejitvami na podlagi stroškov, ki jih je Iuricorn ustvaril s tako vsebino ali naravo vaše uporabe spletnega mesta. Iuricorn ne jamči za razpoložljivost določenih vsebin ali čas njihove razpoložljivosti.

Plačila in obračuni

    1. Pristojbine, dajatve in drugi materialni pogoji, ki se razlikujejo od tistih zgoraj, vam bomo razjasnili ob prijavi ali drugih komunikacijskih kanalih, ki so vam na voljo. Ko kupite naročnino, vas lahko prosimo, da predložite določene podatke, ki so pomembne za vašo transakcijo, vključno z vašo številko kreditne kartice, datumom veljavnosti kreditne kartice in naslovom izstavitve računa (t.i. Podatki o plačilu) Izjavljate in jamčite, da imate zakonsko pravico do uporabe vseh načinov plačila, zastopanih s takimi Podatki o plačilu. Ko začnete s transakcijo,  nas pooblastite, da vaše plačilne podatke posredujemo tretjim osebam, da bomo lahko dokončali vašo transakcijo in uporabili plačilno metodo za transakcijo,k iste j izbrali. Morda boste morali predložiti dodatne informacije, da preverite svojo identiteto, preden končate svojo transakcijo (ti podatki so vključeni v Podatkih o plačilu)
    2. Če se odločite za plačilo naročnine, vam bomo zaračunali letno ali mesečno naročnino  (“Naročnina”) na začetku plačilnega dela naročnine vsako leto ali mesec po takrat veljavni tarifi. Če se odločite za zakup mesečne naročnine, vam ob začetku If You elect to purchase a Subscription, You will be charged the annual or monthly Subscription fee (“Subscription Fee”) at the beginning of the paying portion of Your Subscription and each year or month thereafter, respectively, at the then-current rate. If You elect to purchase an annual Subscription, we will not automatically charge You on the anniversary of the commencement of the paying portion of Your Subscription but will notify you about the expiration of the Subscription and sent you an Invoice. If You pay the Invoice, your subscription will be extended (renewed). In the event Your Subscription began on a day not contained in a given month, we may charge Your payment method on a day in the applicable month or such other day as we deem appropriate.
    3. By entering into the Terms and electing to purchase a Subscription, You acknowledge that Your Subscription has recurring payment features and You accept responsibility for all recurring payment obligations prior to cancellation of Your Subscription by You or Scribd. We may also periodically authorize Your payment method in anticipation of applicable fees or related charges. Your Subscription continues until cancelled by You or we terminate Your access to, or use of, the Services or the Subscription in accordance with these Terms (and the General Terms of Use which forms part of these Terms).

Refunds. All fees and charges are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits, except as expressly stated otherwise herein. In certain cases, if there is a defect in any Subscription Content, you may receive a replacement rather than a refund. Iuricorn will not refund Subscription Fees, either in full or in part, when a Subscription is cancelled or terminated, or if a part of the Library content is removed.

Cancellation of Subscriptions. You may cancel Your Subscription by submitting cancellation request to [email protected]. Note, that in case of payment, the subscription is non-refundable. In case of cancellation, we will cancel your access to the Library. You will be responsible for all Subscription Fees (plus any applicable taxes and/or other charges) incurred before the effective date of your cancellation. Your cancellation will be processed immediately, but Iuricorn will allow You to access the Subscription Content until the most recently paid-up Subscription period ends, and then will terminate Your access to Subscription Content, including any Subscription Content. Cancelling Your Subscription will not cancel your other purchased services. You will continue to be able to access such Subscription Content after cancelling Your Subscription.

You agree that Iuricorn may not give you access to the Library or terminate Your Subscription for non-payment of Subscription Fees.

Removal of Content. Iuricorn reserves the right to modify or withdraw at any time any Subscription Content from access by You for any reason and without obligation to refund you any amount of Subscription fee.

Term and Termination. These Terms begin on the date on which You accept its terms and continue until terminated. We may terminate these Terms (including Your subscription), or suspend or terminate the Services, with or without cause, at any time and without notice to You. Please refer to the Terms of Use for additional terms applicable to the cancellation or termination of Your account. Upon any cancellation or termination of these Terms and/or Your account, the rights and licenses granted to You under these Terms will automatically terminate. This means that, among other things, You will no longer have access to Subscription Content.

B.    Booking Appointment Terms

Iuricorn provides You with an opportunity to book an appointment online, via OnceHub booking system. All online the bookings have to be paid in advance, according to this Booking Appointment Terms, except where expressly stated otherwise.

Free 15-minute Introductory call. Free introductory calls are meant for clients to introduce themselves and their problem and for Iuricorn to evaluate whether it is in our ability to help the Client or not. The call is not meant for answering your legal, tax, business or other substantive questions. In the introductory call, Iuricorn is not obliged and may not give any legal, tax, business or other advice. Iuricorn will merely give instructions to the Client how to proceed with the Client onboarding process to become a Client or refer him to an internal or external lawyer/attorney, to direct the client to booking an online legal advisory appointment, or similar. The call can last less than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the person assigned to your call may inform you of the time and finish the call. You can use the opportunity of this call only once for the introduction of the same client/project/business/problem. If the person, assigned to your call establishes, that the caller is seeking substantive advice or is abusing free calls, may terminate the call at any time.

30-minute and 60-minute meeting. The meeting are meant for clients who have legal questions and seek legal advice. After 30 or 60 minutes, the person assigned to your call may inform you of the time and finish the call.

Payment policy. Every paid call shall be paid in advance via PayPal or credit/debit card. In case of non-payment, the appointment will not be scheduled.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy. Clients can cancel the booking online. If you cancel the booking up to three (3) days before the meeting time, you will be entitled to refund 90% of the price paid. The 10% of fee is withheld for the payment of transaction fees, processing and administrative fees. If you cancel the booking within (less than) three (3) days before the meeting time, you will be entitled to refund 80% of the price paid. The 80% of fee is withheld for the payment of transaction fees, processing and administrative fees.

Clients can reschedule the meeting online. If you reschedule the booking up to three (3) days before the meeting time, your reschedule fee will be 2 EUR. If you reschedule the booking within (less than) three (3) days before the meeting time, your reschedule fee will be 3 EUR.

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