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Blog & Novice
Izjemna pooblastila vojski v pandemiji in upravičenost takega ukrepa (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Vlada je napovedala, da razmišlja o možnosti aktivacije 37.a člena Zakona o obrambi in vojski dodelila policijska poo
19/03/2020Karantena v Sloveniji, izjeme in pravne posledice (koronavirus – COVID-19)
PREPOVEDANO je gibanje in zbiranje ljudi na javnih krajih in površinah v Republiki Sloveniji ter prepoveduje dostop na
19/03/2020Podaljšanje rokov za predložitev davčnih obračunov in oddajo letnih poročil (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Priporočila Nacionalnega Instituta za Javno Zdravje (NIJZ) v zvezi s številom obiskovalcev v trgovinah, razdaljo med n
17/03/2020Priporočila NIJZ glede števila potrošnikov v trgovini in razdalje med njimi (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Priporočila Nacionalnega Instituta za Javno Zdravje (NIJZ) v zvezi s številom obiskovalcev v trgovinah, razdaljo med n
17/03/2020Prodaja na daljavo – kaj to v resnici pomeni (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Kaj je prodaja na daljavo in kaj ne spada pod prodajo na daljavo po Odloku o prepovedi ponujanja in prodaje blaga in sto
17/03/2020Kaj pomeni prepoved prodaje blaga in storitev za obrtnike, ki nimajo maloprodajnih mest? (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Ali je prepoved prodaje blaga in storitev veljavna tudi za obrtnike, servise in druge izvajalce, ki nimajo maloprodajnih
16/03/2020Sankcije za kršitev prepovedi ponujanja in prodaje blaga in storitev (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Vlada je prepovedala določene gospodarske dejavnosti. Katere dejavnosti so to, izjeme od prepovedi, kakšne so sankcije
15/03/2020Čakanje na delo, delo od doma in nadomestila po interventnem zakonu (koronavirus – COVID-19)
Glavne novosti Zakona o interventnem ukrepu delnega povračila nadomestila plače, ki na novo določa čakanje na delo,
15/03/2020Trendi na Področju Umetne Inteligence – Slovenija
Trendi v Sloveniji na področju umetne inteligence, strojnega učenja in velikih baz podatkov.
13/01/2020Vse, kar morate vedeti o digitalnih valutah centralnih bank (CBDC)
Read about the implications, benefits and risks of the CBDCs.
26/09/2019What You Didn’t Know About Security Token Offering
STO and ICO meet different needs and cater to different people. The choice of which to go for ultimately lies with the i
24/09/2019Proof of Practice (PoP)
Our story goes well back, in 2015, when our founder got her first Bitcoin from a friend. Read how we have developed over
24/09/2019What is an initial exchange offering (IEO) and differences with an ICO
The article aims to explain what is an Initial Exchange Offering, the benefits, and pitfalls of such event, and the diff
22/09/2019EU introduces licensing of crypto exchanges & custodian wallets
EU has adopted the 5th Anti-money Directive, which provides new licenses for cryptocurrency exchanges and custodian wall
15/09/2019eSports – the rapid growth of a young but popular industry
This is an introductory post about the industry of eSports, the growth and its current challenges.
30/08/2019Financial laws that every crypto company should know
The article focuses on providing a list of all relevant EU legislation, applicable to crypto projects.
10/05/2019Should your crypto business get E-money license?
Read about the purpose of the PSI and EMI licenses and in what cases your crypto business needs them.
05/05/2019What is Legal Technology?
Learn about what is legal technology and how it is changing the legal service sector, mаnаgеmеnt, dосumеnt ѕtоr
29/03/2019What is Cloud Computing?
Learn about the legal challenges of Cloud Computing services and how can service providers and customers legally protect
21/03/2019Crypto exchange insolvency – consequences for users
This is an article about how a liquidation of a crypto exchange affect users and their funds.
14/03/2019EU Fight against Crypto-Related Financial Crime
Regulation and classification of cryptocurrencies, and efforts to mitigate risk of money-laundering, terrorist financing
01/03/2019Non-Fungible Tokens From a Legal Perspective
Read about non-fungible tokens, their usability and legal implications.
26/02/2019The Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Read about the development of the AI and its legal challenges.
22/01/2019Google fined 50mio EUR for GDPR breach
Google breached the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and got a fine of 50mio EUR by the French authorities.